Diastasis Recti Abdominis (DRA)

Signs & symptoms

Visible bulge or pouch near the belly button
Softness or jelly-like feeling around the belly button
Back pain
Coning or doming during abdominal muscle contraction
Difficulty lifting heavy objects and performing certain tasks
Digestive Issues


Pregnancy due to the stretching of the abdominal muscles as the uterus expands. Hormonal changes during pregnancy, such as the increase in relaxin, also contribute to the softening and stretching of the connective tissue
Performing exercises that strain the abdominal muscles, such as heavy lifting or improper abdominal workouts, can contribute to the development of DRA.
Excess abdominal fat can put pressure on the abdominal wall, leading to muscle separation.
Some individuals may have a genetic predisposition to weaker connective tissue, making them more susceptible to DRA.


Lie on back with legs bent, feet flat on the floor
Raise shoulders slightly, look down at the tummy
Use fingertips to feel the gap above and below the belly button
Measure the gap's width or assess the depth and tension of the Linea alba

Lifestyle recommendations

Strengthen Core Muscles
Engage in Low-Impact Activities
Avoid Activities that Worsen Symptoms
Focus on Nutrition and Weight Management
Maintain Proper Posture
Practice Safe Lifting Techniques

Prevention Strategies

Prenatal Exercises
Proper Exercise Technique
Gradual Return to Activity

Time to start feeling some relief?

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