Pelvic Girdle Pain (PGP)

Signs & symptoms

Pain in the pelvic region- often felt at the front or back
Difficulty with weight-bearing activities like walking or climbing stairs
Clicking or grinding sensations in the pelvic joints
Discomfort exacerbated by certain movements or positions


Hormonal changes causing joint laxity
Altered biomechanics due to the growing uterus
Pre-existing musculoskeletal issues

Risk factors

Multiple pregnancies (twins, triplets and   multiparity)
History of pelvic trauma or surgery
Hypermobility of joints

Lifestyle recommendations

Avoid activities that exacerbate pain
Maintain a balanced and nutritious diet

Prevention Strategies

Pre-existing musculoskeletal issues
Pre-existing musculoskeletal issues
Pre-existing musculoskeletal issues

Time to start feeling some relief?

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